Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

The Inward Voice of Christ: Can You Hear Me? Try Taking Out Your Ear Buds!

Book 3, Chapter 1: The Inward Voice of Christ Speaks to the Faithful Soul.

Chapter Focus: Are you quiet enough to hear what God is saying to you? Meditate on this: “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening (1 Sam 3:10).”

Note that Samuel was close to the ark of the Lord. Note also that the Word spoken to Samuel were not words of comfort, but of God moving among His people, specifically one of correction of Eli’s family.

In Book II, Thomas took us deep into our very selves to find the Kingdom of God, to find friendship and to find an uncompromising love of Jesus. In those depths, we came to terms with our cross. We are now on the journey with Him. It is here and now that He speaks to us.

In Book III, we, like Mary, intentionally sit at the feet of our Lord (Lk 10:39). Silent and open to His words, we open our hearts to Him. Say nothing.

Book III is a continual conversation with The Beloved, the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We learn to follow Him as the cross wears away our rough edges: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (Jn 10:27).”

In Chapter 1 of Book III, our ears are happy at hearing His Voice, at first an echo, then a whisper. Our eyes are happy because our focus is on Him and we look away from worldly things. Focus. Listen. Think. Learn. Do. Teach. Amen.

Chapter 1, In Short.

1. Listen to what God says to you.
2. Put everything else away and give yourself to the Creator.

Question: What is God saying to you?

The Text of Chapter 1: Of the Inward Voice of Christ to the Faithful Soul.

I will listen to what the Lord God shall say within me (Ps 85:9). Happy is the soul which hears the Lord speaking within it and receives the word of consolation from His mouth. Happy are the ears that receive the echoes of the soft whisper of God and turn not aside to the whisperings of this world. Happy truly are the ears that do not listen to the voice that sounds from without, but to that which teaches truth inwardly. Happy are the eyes which are closed to outward things but are fixed upon things within.

Happy are they who search inward things and study to prepare themselves more and more by daily exercises for the receiving of heavenly mysteries. Happy are they who long to have leisure for God and free themselves from every hindrance of the world. Think on these things, O my soul, and shut the doors of thy carnal desires, so that you may hear what the Lord God will say within you.

2. These things, says your Beloved, “I am your salvation, I am your peace and your life. Keep yourself with Me, and you shall find peace.” Put away you all transitory things and seek eternal things. For all temporal things are only deceits. For how shall created things help you if you are forsaken by the Creator? Therefore put everything else away, and give yourself to the Creator, to be well-pleasing and faithful to Him, that you may be able to attain true blessedness.


  1. Tom Gillespie

    Great advice. Many times I’m interrupted as I pray. Sometimes after dealing with the task at hand, I immediately start to do something else and forget to finish my prayer until later. It is my goal to isolate myself as much as possible during some prayer periods to focus on the important task… my communication with Our LORD. Thanks for the guidance.

    1. Tim Moore (Post author)

      Thank you, Tom! I often hesitate to come up to you on the sidewalk because I don’t want to interrupt you!

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