Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

How Do I Amend My Life?

Book 1, Chapter 25: Of the zealous amendment of our whole life.

Comment:  Thomas closes  Book 1 by emphasizing that the path to intimacy with God is in the direction of self-denial and ardently pursuing God’s will.  He asks a question of the disciple – as to why the disciple started on this path: He emphasizes that through zealous efforts, those vows will be fulfilled.  There is clarity of heart and mind in the cultivation of good virtue and fleeing temptation and worldly goods.  There is value in being self-aware of our faults and working on replacing these with good habits.  Keeping our final destiny in mind, even our own death, brings a perspective to act now on conforming ourselves to God’s will.

Thanks for reading and praying along with me today.

TAKwordcloudInverted5-16Be watchful and diligent in God’s service, and think often why you have renounced the world. Wasn’t it so that you might live for God and become a spiritual disciple?

Therefore be zealous in your spiritual progress, for you will shortly receive the reward for your labors, and neither fear nor sorrow will come any more into your borders. Now you shall labor a little, and find great rest, yea everlasting joy. If you remain faithful and zealous in labor, there is no doubt that God will be faithful and bountiful in rewarding you. It is your duty to have a good hope that you will attain the victory, but you must not be too secure for fear that you may become slothful or be lifted up.

2. There was  certain disciple who was anxious of mind: this disciple continually wavered between hope and fear, and on a certain day felt
overwhelmed with grief, and cast himself down in prayer before the
altar in a church, and meditated within himself, saying,

“Oh! If I only knew whether I should still persevere in my pursuit of holiness!”

The disciple then heard within a voice from God:
“And if you did know whether you should persevere in your pursuit of holiness, what would you do?

“Therefore, do now what thou would do then, and you shall be assured.”

Immediately being comforted and strengthened upon the disciple committing to God’s will, perturbation of spirit ceased. The disciple no longer considered curiously searching to know what fate would befall him afterward, but rather studied to inquire what was the good and acceptable will of God for the beginning and perfecting of every good work.

HopeGoodLord3. “Hope in the Lord and do good,” says the Prophet;”dwell
in the land and live secure in its riches.”

One thing which holds back many from progress and fervent life
amendment: the dread of difficulty, or the labor of the conflict. Nevertheless those who advance in virtue above all others are those who strive with courage to conquer those grievous and contrary challenges. For in these obstacles a disciple profits the most and merits greater grace through self mortification and through an over-comer’s spirit.

4. Not all disciples have the same passions to conquer and to mortify, yet whoever is diligent and zealous in this effort shall attain more progress. While some have stronger passions than others, those who are more temperate in self-regulation but less fervent in the pursuit of virtue will progress more slowly.

Two things are especially helpful to improve in holiness, namely firmness to withdraw ourselves from the sin which by nature we are most inclined; and earnest zeal for that good virtue in which we are most lacking.  Strive earnestly to guard against and subdue those faults in yourself which displease you most frequently in others.

5. Gather some profit to thy soul wherever you are, and wherever you see or hear good examples, stir yourself to follow them. But where you see anything which is blameworthy, pay attention that you do not participate in the same act; or if at any time you have done it, strive quickly to correct yourself.

As your eye observes others, so again are the eyes of others upon you. How sweet and pleasant is it to see zealous and godly disciples who are temperate and of good discipline; and how sad is it and painful to see them walking in a disorderly manner, not practicing the duties to which they are called. How hurtful a thing it is to neglect the purpose of their calling, and turn their focus upon things which are none of their business.

6. Be mindful of the duties which you have undertaken, and always set before you the remembrance of the Crucified Lord. Truly you ought to be ashamed as you look upon the life of Jesus Christ, because you have not yet tried to conform
yourself more to Him, though you have been a long time in the service of God. A disciple who conducts spiritual exercises in the most holy life and passion of our Lord seriously and devoutly shall find in abundance, all things that are profitable and necessary. There is no need that to seek anything better beyond Jesus.

Oh! if Jesus crucified would come into our hearts, how quickly, and completely would we learn all that we need to know!

7. The serious disciple receives and bears well all burdens laid upon him. Those who are careless and lukewarm have trouble upon trouble, and suffer anguish upon every side, because of a lack inward consolation. That disciple is forbidden to seek that which is outward. Those who are living without discipline are exposed to severe ruin. Those who seek easier and lighter discipline will always be in distress, because one thing or another will result in their displeasure.

8. O! if no other duty lay upon us but to praise the Lord our God with our whole Mt5-45&Bk3-29heart and voice!

Oh! if you never had need to eat or drink, or sleep, but were always able to praise God, and to give yourself to spiritual exercises alone; then should you be far happier than now, when for so many necessities you must serve the flesh.

O! that these necessities were not, but only the spiritual refreshments of the soul, which alas we taste too seldom.

9. When a disciple has come to this, seeking comfort from no creature; it is then that one perfectly begins to enjoy God; it is then that the disciple will be contented with whatever happens.

Then  the disciple will neither rejoice nor be sorrowful for little, but be committed altogether and with full trust in God, Who is all in all to the believer, to Whom nothing perishes nor dies, but all things live for Him and obey His every word without delay.

TAK&CHRIST_WordCloud5-1610. Always remember your end, and how that time which is lost
does not return. Without care and diligence you shall never obtain virtue.

If you begin to grow cold, things shall begin to go ill with you, but if you give yourself a zealous nature, you shall find great peace, and shall find your labor lighter because of the grace of God and the love of virtue.

A zealous and diligent disciple is ready for all things. It is more difficult to resist your sins and passions than to toil in bodily work. Whoever does not shun small faults falls, little by little, into greater faults. At your days end, you shall be glad if you spent the days profitably.

Watch over yourself, stir up yourself, admonish yourself, and admonish yourself. And no matter how it goes with others, do not neglect yourself. The more discipline you subscribe to for yourself, the more progress you will make.

(1) Psalm 37:3 http://www.usccb.org/bible/psalms/37
Trust in the LORD and do good
that you may dwell in the land* and live secure.

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