Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Are Two Sparrows Worth a Penny? Matt 10:29-31

The quote: “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin (penny)? Yet not oneSparrows6-8-15 of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge.  Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows (Matt 10:29-31).”

The Context: This section of Matthew 10 is about having courage during persecution. It’s about acknowledging Christ without fear.  Our Lord Jesus is telling us not to be afraid.  That as worthless as the sparrows appear to be in the marketplace, our Father God has full knowledge of every one.  And because we are His children, we have much more value to Him than these birds.

The Question: The questions is rhetorical in one sense and sort of a mini-parable in another.  As a leading question, any first Century Judean would have known the answer, or even chuckled.   At the same time our Lord harkens to other scriptures.

In today’s world, though, it stumps me:  Think of this:  Are two sparrows worth a penny? Probably not.  I may even pay you to remove the number of nests in my garage roof line. I don’t need any sparrows.  There are plenty in my trees.  We don’t eat them here or use their feathers.

However, in first century Judea, the fowlers would show up in the market or at the temple with live birds:  two for a penny.  Or, a spit of five of these, plucked and cooked, for two pennies.  In other words, you will get more for your money because these are so plentiful and have so little value.  We can’t even sell you one for a penny, so we will give you five sparrows for two pennies (s.a. Lk 12:6)!

As to the Scriptures, He could be referring obliquely, to any of the qualities contained in these Old Testament verses, where God recognizes the small, common bird, and provides a home for it (1.); compares our condition to such a bird in distress (2.); recognizes the lack of threat by such a bird (3.); or the ease of instilling fear into a flock of sparrows (4.).

The Answer: No.  Two sparrows are NOT worth a penny.  But I do recognize God’s care for all living things, even those creatures in which I find no value.  And because He places value on such a common, ordinary bird as a sparrow, I know He places even greater value on you and me.


Coin of St. Edward The Confessor c.a. 1042-1066

I am heartened to know that I am worth MANY sparrows (Matt 10:31)

One web site says we are worth anywhere from $106 to $45 Million.  In knowing this, I am bolder, in spite of being fearful or skittish in a particular situation.  I am persistent even though I am not taken as a threat to anyone. God can count the hairs on my head.  And while that is becoming easier all the time, this tells me of the level of intimacy in which He knows me and cares for me as I flutter about my daily life, staying close to His Altar (1).

Until next time, thanks for praying along with me.

Psalms 84:4 “As, the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young, near your altars, Yahweh of Armies, my King, and my God. “

  1. Psalms 102:7 “I watch, and have become like a sparrow that is alone on the housetop.”
  2. Proverbs 26:2  “Like a fluttering sparrow, like a darting swallow, so the undeserved curse doesn’t come to rest.
  3. Hosea 11:11 “They tremble as a sparrow out of Egypt, And as a dove out of the land of Asshur, And I have caused them to dwell in their own houses, An oracle of the Lord.”

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