Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Why is Thomas a’Kempis Feast Day July 25th? Maybe July 26th? Maybe May 3? Or how about October 9th? Do I add or subtract 10 days to this?

On the Feast Day of St. James the Less, 1471, Thomas a’Kempis (a.k.a. Thomas Hemerken) died at the monastery of Mount St. Agnes. He was 92. Thomas was born in what is now Kempen, Germany, County of Cleves ca. 1380….
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Why Isn’t Thomas a’Kempis a Saint of the Catholic Church?

Saint of the Church? I’m often asked whether or not Thomas is a Saint of the Roman Catholic Church. In short, he is not. There are several reasons for this, some based upon the tenants of the Church. Others are…
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