Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Do you believe that I can do this? Matt 9:28

“Do you believe that I can do this? “

“Yes, Lord.”

Background.  Jesus had just raised a young girl from the dead.  Our Lord addresses this question to two blind men who cry out to Him as He passes.

They called out to the Christ: “Son of David, have pity on us! (Matt 9:27)” The two then approached our Lord. My guess is that they had just heard about the girl being raised from the dead. They had used their hearing to pinpoint where Christ was passing-by and shouted out in hopes of a cure from the great rabbi.

JesusHeals2blindmentTheir response to the question of “Do you believe that I can do this?” is an affirmative:

“Yes, Lord.”

Our Lord then touches their eyes and says: “Let it be done to you according to your faith.” And their eyes were opened (Matt 9:29-30).

Afterward, our Lord warns them not to tell anyone about this miracle. Of course, the two ignore His warning and go and tell everyone (Matt 9:31).

Isn’t that like each of us whenever Christ asks us this question? When we ask Him for a healing touch or an intervention into the persistent burdens of our life, He always asks us: “Do you believe that I can do this?”

So when Jesus asks you this question, “Do you believe that I can do this?,” what is your reply?

At times I admit that I don’t believe that He can “do this”. Other times, I may believe that he can “fix” me or fix that other aspect of my life that is keeping me distracted from seeing Him, but I remain comfortably numb in my darkness.

Sometimes, I simply don’t want to be healed. It’s too convenient of an excuse. Not being healed gives me a chance to complain.

To be more like the blind men I simply need to take a step forward toward the Light and say, “Yes, Lord.”

And then of course, I’ll go and tell everyone about it!

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