Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Holding on to Letting Go: Book III, Ch 41

Book 3, Chapter 41: The Contempt of All Temporal Honor.
Chapter Focus: The Beloved, Whose Heart is full of forgiveness and mercy, tells us not to get upset if we are despised and humbled while others are exalted. After all, it happened to Him, so why should we expect anything less?

So what does it mean to “lift your heart” to Christ in Heaven, as the Beloved requests of us? It reminds me of the portion of the Mass when, during the Prayers over the Eucharistic Offering, the Priest asks us to “Lift up our hearts.”
We respond: “We lift up our hearts to the Lord.”
Priest: “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.”
We respond: “It is right and just.”
The Priest then recites the many reasons that it is truly right and just based upon the salvation of the Paschal Mystery.
From there we recite the Sanctus: “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord…”

Thus, we are uniting ourselves with Him in Heaven, along with the Angels and Saints in the Forever Now of praise and thanksgiving.

Jesus points us in this direction in this meditation. The Beloved is telling us that when we lift up our hearts to Him, and in recalling His promises and the heavenly rewards, all the worldly rewards fall away in comparison.

Prepare, therefore, to look at your sins in the full light of day. Accept full responsibility for these sins. And, looking to Heaven, willfully abandon all other creatures here as we depart this life for Heaven. For me, this is the reason for Purgatory, to help me detach from worldly attachments: my favorite sins included. Once I do so, I can fully unite myself to Almighty God. I better get to work!

Chapter 41, In Short.

1. Do not take it to heart if you see others honored and exalted and see yourself despised.
2. We are in blindness, quickly seduced by vanity, and have nothing to complain about.

Scripture Memory Prayer: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Lk 14:11)
Question: Do I complain and blame others for my sinfulness?
Key Quote: Lift up your heart to Me in Heaven.

The text of Chapter 41: The Contempt of All Temporal Honor.

The Voice of Christ:
“My Child, do not take it to heart if you see others honored and exalted and see yourself despised and humbled. Lift up your heart to Me in Heaven, and then you will not be concerned with the condemnation you receive on earth.”

The Voice of the Disciple:
2. O Lord, we are in blindness, and are quickly seduced by vanity. If I look rightly within myself, never was injury done unto me by any creature, and therefore I have nothing to complain about in front You. But because I have seriously sinned many times against You, all creatures justly take arms up against me. Confusion and contempt are therefore justly due to me, but only praise and honor and glory to You. And unless I prepare myself for this, namely, to be willing that every creature should shun and desert me, and that I should be regarded altogether as nothing, I cannot be inwardly filled with peace and strength, nor spiritually enlightened, nor fully united to You.

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