Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

How am I Supposed to Support My Needs AND Stay Focused on Heaven? Book 3, Chapter 26

How am I supposed to support my needs AND stay focused on Heaven?

Temptation_of_ChristThomas a’Kempis teaches us to imitate Christ through humble prayer. By this we will overcome our excesses of the senses (Matt4:1-11).  Our soul gives itself over to entanglements with exterior objects and passions to the point that we cannot follow God because of our distractions and idols (See Mk 10:17-30). Still, He looks upon us and loves us (Mk 10:21).

The reality, of course, is that when we meet Him upon our death, we will have nothing but our sins to account for. As such, we should work now to overcome entanglements and work toward meeting God’s pleasure. Our self-control now will give us strength we will need for when we see Him face-to-face.

The Text of Book 3, CHAPTER 26: A Free and Excellent Mind is Gained by Humble Prayer More Than by Frequent Reading.

Disciple:  Lord, this is the work of a perfect disciple: never to slacken the mind from attention to heavenly things, and among many cares to pass along without care, not indifferently, but rather with the privilege of a free mind, not clutching to any creature with inordinate affection.

2. Preserve me, I beseech You, most merciful Lord God, from the cares of this life (Lk 21:34), that I not be too much entangled in the many necessities of the body, lest I be taken captive by pleasure; and from all obstructions of the mind, lest, I be broken and cast down with cares.

I do not say from those things which the vanity of the world vainly covets with eagerness, but from those miseries, by which the common curse of our mortality weighs down and holds back the soul of Your servant in punishment, that it cannot enter into liberty of spirit, as it so often would.

  1. O my God, sweetness unspeakable, turn into bitterness all my fleshly comforts, which draw me away from the love of eternal things, and wickedly allures me toward itself by setting before me some present delight.

O my God, let not flesh and blood prevail over me (1 Cor 15:50-51), let not the world and its short glory deceive me (1 Jn 2:17), let not the devil and his craftiness supplant me (2 Cor 2:11).

Give me courage that I may resist, patience that I may endure, and constancy that I may persevere. Grant, in place of all comforts of the world, the most sweet anointing of Your Spirit, and in place of carnal love, pour into me the love of Your Name.

by Ariel Ageman

4.  Behold, eating and drinking and clothing, and all the other needs pertaining to the support of the body, are burdensome to the devout spirit.

Grant that I may use such things with moderation, and that I be not entangled with inordinate affection for these necessaries. It is not lawful to cast away all these things, because our nature must be supported, but Your holy law forbids unnecessary things which merely deliver delight. Otherwise the flesh would speak against the spirit (Gal 5:17).  In all this, I urge You, let Your hand guide and teach me, that I may in no way be so excessive.


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