Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

How Does the Grace of God Join to You? Book 3, Chapter 53.

Book 3, Chapter 53: That the Grace of God Does Not Join Itself to Those Who Mind Earthly Things.

Chapter Focus: It is a constant battle to become a master of yourself. I don’t pretend to have accomplished this great task. For me, it is a daily struggle. I find that seasons such as Lent help, as I typically “give up” something that I feel particularly attached to, or which I think plays too much of a role in my life. Yes, even coffee! Yes, even alcohol! One year, I sorted through all of my favorite clothes and gave away my most comfy shirts. I know, big sacrifice. Thomas is asking much more of us here, though.

When we shed such worldly things, God gives us the grace to attain perfect victory over over ourselves. As usual, we are our own worst enemy in this task. Can you say “Only through Prayer and Fasting can such things be overcome?”

More to the point, Thomas advises us to seek solitude and to pour out our hearts to the Lord. This solitude should be devoid of any possessions or people that would distract us from talking intimately with God. Can you say “One Hour of Adoration?”

Chapter 53, In Short.

1. If you long to receive an outpouring of grace, cast away all of the things which hinder grace.
2. There is great confidence to the dying person who has separated from worldly things.
3. Lay the ax to the root, and destroy the inordinate inclination towards yourself things of this world.

Question: How can I reveal my attachments to myself, such that I can receive God’s grace?

The Text of Chapter 53: That the Grace of God Does Not Join Itself to Those Who Mind Earthly Things.

“My Child, precious is My grace. It does not allow itself to be joined with outward things, nor with earthly consolations. Therefore, if you long to receive an outpouring of grace, cast away all of the things which hinder grace. Seek a secret place for yourself. Love to dwell alone with yourself. Desire the conversation of no one, but rather pour out devout prayers to God so that you may possess a contrite mind and a pure conscience.


Count the whole world as nothing. Seek to be alone with God before all outward things. For you cannot be alone with Me, and at the same time be delighted with transitory things. You should even be separated from your acquaintances and dear friends and keep your mind free from all worldly comfort. So the blessed Apostle Peter urges you, that as Christ’s faithful ones you carry yourselves in this world as strangers and pilgrims (1 Pt 2:11).



2. “Oh how great a confidence shall there be to the dying person for whom no attachment to anything detains them in the world. But a sickly soul does not yet comprehend how to have a heart so separated from all things, nor do the carnal know such liberty of spirit. Indeed, if you desire to be spiritually minded, you must renounce both those who are far off and those who are near, and to beware of no one more than yourself. If you perfectly conquer yourself, you will easily subdue all things besides. Perfect victory is the triumph over oneself. For whoso keep themselves in subjection, in such a way that their sensual affections obey reason, and the reason in all things obeys Me, that disciple truly is conqueror of himself, and lord of the world.

3. “If you desire to climb to this height, you ought to start bravely, and to lay the ax to the root, to the end that you may pull up and destroy the hidden inordinate inclinations towards yourself, and towards all selfish and earthly goods. From this sin, that a man loves himself too inordinately, almost everything hangs which needs to be utterly overcome: when that evil is conquered and put under foot, there shall be great peace and continual tranquility. But because few strive earnestly to die perfectly to themselves, and do not heartily go forth, they remain entangled in themselves, and cannot be raised in spirit. But whoever desires to walk in liberty with Me, necessarily must mortify all evil and inordinate affections, and likewise must not cling to any creature with selfish love.”

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