Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

How Familiar is this to You? Flattery, Intimacy, and Imitation.

How Familiar is this to You? Flattery, Intimacy, and Imitation

Book 1: Chapter 8. Shunning Too Much Familiarity

Chapter Focus: Thomas discusses familiarity in the sense of being overly familiar in situations that are better avoided. It’s that notion of avoiding the near occasion of sin. Rather, we should guard our hearts and secrets. Thomas spends a few sentences on flattery – a concept related to imitation, isn’t it? Oftentimes flattery is false and disingenuous, whereas imitation is a true attempt at faithful mimicry. The language in this chapter was challenging because it did not lend itself to direct equivalencies….luckily, Thomas gave us some Biblical references to get a grip on what he was trying to teach us!

Chapter 8: In short.

1. Seek out the wise and God-fearing when handling your affairs.
2. Love everyone, but you do not need to be overly familiar with everyone.
Question: When have I been overly familiar to the point of committing sin?
Scripture Memory Prayer:
“Open not your heart readily to any man  but handle your affairs with those who are wise and fear God ”(Sirach 8:19).
Key Quote: “Associate yourself with the humble and the simple, with the devout and the virtuous and deal with those things which edify one another.” Romans 14:19.

Keep regular company with mature people but not with strangers.

Do not be a flatterer with the rich, nor willingly appear before the great.

Associate yourself with the humble and the simple, with the devout and the virtuous and deal with those things which edify one another (Rom 14:19).

Do not be overly familiar with a person of the opposite sex, but recommend them in their goodness, to God.

Therefore, desire to be familiar only with God and His Angels, and avoid the acquaintance of others.

2. We must have charity for all, but familiarity is not advisable.

Sometimes it happens that a person, when not known, shines by a good reputation, who, when present, is disagreeable to them that sees him. 

Sometimes we think that it pleases others by being with them; and we begin, rather to disgust them by the evil behavior which they discover in us.

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