Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

How Should I Call Upon The Lord When I Am in Trouble?

In this meditation, Thomas encourages the disciple to reach out in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God – not to be relieved of the suffering, but rather to look for God’s will and glory in the event.

The disciple may have relief, and indeed can plead for it in humble submission, but finds God’s help in relief from temptation rather than from the trial itself.

The disciple here is deeply troubled and tempted to despair.  God’s mercy is relied upon as closely as a promise.  The disciple’s experience with God in similar circumstances provide the hope of relief from the temptation, if not the suffering itself.

His prayer is answered.  May yours be as well.

Book 3, CHAPTER XXIX:   How God is to be Called Upon and Blessed Even During Times of Tribulation.

Disciple: Blessed be Your Holy Name, O Lord, forever, Who has willed this trial and trouble to come upon me (Dan 3:26).

Mt5-45&Bk3-29I cannot escape it, but I have need seek recourse to You, so that You may help me and turn it to me for good (Rm 8:28).

Lord, I am now in tribulation, and my heart is troubled, but I am afflicted with my present suffering.  And now, dear Father, what shall I say? I am caught among the snares.  O save me from this hour (Jn 12:27).

But for this cause I came to this hour (ibid) that You might be glorified when I am deeply humbled and am delivered by You.

Let it be Your pleasure to deliver me; for what can I do who am poor, and without You where shall I go?  Give patience to me, O Lord, at this time also.  Help me, O my God, and I will not fear no matter how much I am oppressed.

2. And now amid these things what shall I say?  Lord, Your will be done (Matt 6:10).


By Ariel Agemian

I deserve to be troubled and afflicted. Therefore I ought to bear it, and would to God that it be with patience, until the storm passes over me and comfort returns.

Your almighty arm is yet able to take this temptation away from me, and to lessen its power such that I do fall not under it, even as you have helped me many times before: O God, my merciful God (Ps 59:18).

And the more difficult this is to me, the easier to You is this change of the right hand of the Most High God (Ps 77:11).

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