Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Intimacy Between the Bride and Bridegroom: Resting in God’s Gifts

Book 3, Chapter 21: That We Must Rest in God Above All Goods and Gifts.

Chapter Focus: Have you ever been a best man or maid/matron of honor at a wedding. The anticipation is unbearable but joyful. As a groomsman many times, I have reveled in the anticipation of the coming bridegroom: he’s looking his best – virile, powerful, handsome, with an eye out for his beloved bride. This chapter also makes me think of sitting in a church, waiting for the bride to enter. We all stand and turn to see her – beauty and elegance, hidden behind a veil only to be lifted for her bridegroom. Her beauty is only for him. They hold hands, whisper intimacies, and exchange vows in front of the Celebrant. In this passage from good Thomas, make yourself the bride or the groomsman; the lover, best friend, servant, defender, advocate, companion, intimate. Look past all the distractions to see Him as you walk up the aisle, or to witness and be a part of the intimate whispers of their exchange. Hand Him the ring to place on her finger, or receive the ring, forsaking all others.

Likewise, the Disciple waits on the Lord in expectation, as a best man waits upon the groom or like a bride for her beloved, ready to tell Him all the great things about what it’s like to be His friend, lover, and servant. Ultimately she is speechless as He steps up to proclaim His love for her in the midst of the assembly. They both say “Yes” to each other as He places the ring on her finger and she on His.

Thomas calls us to be the bride, the best man. As Church, we are the Bride of Christ, but also the Church Militant, a Priesthood of the People. We wait for Jesus in our cell, our chamber, in prayer, in praise, in quiet thanksgiving. In answering the Lord’s call to the Priesthood, Thomas forsakes everything, knowing that Jesus will come and speak to him, rescue him, ask much of him, and invite him to journey upon The Way (Jn 14:6). Thomas knows he will exchange the worldliness for the intimacy to be encountered in his conversation with the Lord: forsaking all others. Go and do likewise.

Note: This Reminds me of the Song of Songs and Psalm 19. I’ve listed Psalm 19 below the text of The Imitation.

Chapter 21, In Short.

1. Rest in Christ.
2. God is the most high and worthy to be praised.
3. Jesus Christ is the holy Spouse of my soul.
4. Speak to Jesus in silence – without Him my table is empty.
5. Always ask God for His Grace and to hear His Voice within me.
6. Christ declares: “Behold, here I am! Behold, I come to you, for you cried out to Me.”
7. Cry out to the Lord and be ready to reject everything for His sake.

Scripture Memory Prayer: “The Law of the Lord is perfect….” (Psalm 19:1)
Key Quote: “Behold, here I am! Behold, I come to you, for you cried out to Me.”
Question: Have you rested in Christ’s love? Have you called out to Him?

The Text of Chapter 21: That We Must Rest in God Above All Goods and Gifts.

Above all things and in all things you shall rest always in the Lord, O my soul, for He Himself is the eternal rest of the saints. Grant me, most sweet and loving Jesus, to rest in You above every creature, above all health and beauty, above all glory and honor, above all power and dignity, above all knowledge and skillfulness, above all riches and arts, above all joy and exultation, above all fame and praise, above all sweetness and consolation, above all hope and promise, above all merit and desire, above all gifts and rewards which You can give and pour forth, above all joy and jubilation which the mind is able to receive and feel; in a word, above Angels and Archangels and all the army of heaven, above all things visible and invisible, and above everything which You, O my God, are not.

2. For You, O Lord, my God, are best above all things; only You are the Most High, You alone are the Almighty, You only the All-sufficient, and the Fullness of all things; You only the All-delight-some and the All-comforting; You alone the altogether lovely and altogether loving; You alone the Most Exalted and Most Glorious above all things; in Whom all things are and were, and ever shall be, all together and all-perfect. And thus it falls short and is insufficient whatever You give to me without Yourself or whatever You reveal or promise concerning Yourself, while You are not seen or fully possessed: since truly my heart cannot truly rest nor be entirely content, except as it rests in You, and exceeds all gifts and every creature.

3. O my most beloved Spouse, Jesus Christ, most holy Lover of my soul, Ruler of this whole Creation, who shall give me the wings of true liberty, that I may flee to You and find rest? O Lord my God, when shall it be given me to be open to receive You to the full, and to see how sweet You are? When shall I collect myself altogether in You, that because of Your love I may not feel myself at all, but may know You only above every sense and measure, in measure not known to others. But now I often groan, and bear my sad situation with sorrow; because many evils befall me in this vale of miseries which continually disturb and fill me with sorrow, and encloud me, continually hinder and fill me with care, allure and entangle me, that I cannot have free access to You, nor enjoy that sweet communion which is always near at hand to the blessed spirits. Let my deep sighing come before You, and my manifold desolation on the earth.

4. O Jesus, Light of Eternal Glory, solace of the wandering soul, before You, my mouth is without speech, and my silence speaks to You. How long will my Lord delay in coming to me? Let Him come to me, His poor and humble one, and make me glad. Let Him put forth His hand, and deliver His holy One from every snare. Come, Oh come; for without You there shall be no joyful day or hour, for You are my joy, and without You my table is empty. I am miserable, and in a manner imprisoned and loaded with fetters, until You refresh me by the light of Your presence, and give me liberty, and show Your loving countenance.

5. Let others seek other things instead of You, whatever shall please them; but for my part, nothing else pleases or shall please me, save You, my God, my hope, my eternal salvation. I will not hold my peace, nor cease to implore, until Your grace returns, and until You speak to me within.

6. Christ replies to me: “Behold, here I am! Behold, I come to you, for you cried out to Me. Your tears and the longing of your soul, your humbleness and contrition of heart have inclined Me, and brought Me to you.”

7. And I said Lord, “I have cried out You, and I have longed to enjoy You, being ready to reject everything for Your sake. For You first moved me to seek You. Therefore, blessed be You, O Lord, who has wrought this good work upon Your servant, according to the multitude of Your mercy. What then has Your servant to say in Your presence, except to humble himself greatly before You, being always mindful of his own iniquity and vileness.

For there is none like You in all the marvels of heaven and earth. Excellent are Your works, true are Your judgments, and by Your Providence are all things governed. Therefore praise and glory be given to You, O Wisdom of the Father, let my mouth and my soul and all created things praise and bless You together.

Psalm 19
For the leader. A psalm of David.

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the firmament proclaims the works of his hands.

Day unto day pours forth speech;

night unto night whispers knowledge.

There is no speech, no words;

their voice is not heard;

A report goes forth through all the earth,

their messages, to the ends of the world.

He has pitched in them a tent for the sun;

it comes forth like a bridegroom from his canopy,

and like a hero joyfully runs its course.

From one end of the heavens it comes forth;

its course runs through to the other;

nothing escapes its heat.

The law of the LORD is perfect,

refreshing the soul.

The decree of the LORD is trustworthy,

giving wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of the LORD are right,

rejoicing the heart.

The command of the LORD is clear,

enlightening the eye.

The fear of the LORD is pure,

enduring forever.

The statutes of the LORD are true,

all of them just;

More desirable than gold,

than a hoard of purest gold,

Sweeter also than honey

or drippings from the comb.

By them your servant is warned;

obeying them brings much reward.

Who can detect trespasses?

Cleanse me from my inadvertent sins.

Also from arrogant ones restrain your servant;

let them never control me.

Then shall I be blameless,

innocent of grave sin.

Let the words of my mouth be acceptable,

the thoughts of my heart before you,

LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

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