Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

On the Dignity Of the Sacrament, and of the Office of the Priest. Book 4, Chapter 5.

Chapter 5: On the Dignity Of the Sacrament, and of the Office of the Priest.

Venerable Fr. Emil Kapaun

Chapter Focus: I have been blessed by many good, holy priests, as well as other wonderful Christian leaders. Most, if not all, have followed the precepts Thomas lays out below. It is an intentional striving by those men and women toward imitating Christ in self-sacrifice and holiness. The Pastor’s life is not an easy life, especially in the modern world.

But Thomas speaks from the heart, from his own experience as a priest among clergy who were often chided for their laxity and worldly natures. The Modern Devotion sought to reset the bar of holiness and levels of trust – in short supply after the ravages of the Plague and shake up of the feudal hierarchy. The result of their re-commitment to simplicity and reverence and following The Way of our Lord was expansive growth in followers and vocations to the priesthood and religious life. There was little tolerance for fake piety.

Venerable Fr. Augustus Tolton

This is still true today: beyond everything else, what we desire from our priests and our faith leaders is a Godliness in word and deed. Of course, you can be an excellent theologian, homilist, and preacher; as well as gregarious and friendly – evidencing joy. But if you are a Priest of God – a Good Shepherd, your striving for holiness and your transparency in pursuit of that holiness as the leader of a congregation must out-shine everything else. While I recall all of the priests that have passed through my life, I recall best those who were holy. For my dear Christian friends who are not Catholic, the same applies to your Pastors and congregational leaders. One of my favorite Pastors (you know who you are) is a poster-child for joy. My sister, Marie, is a tremendous example of Godliness and faith. There are many others.

To all the Priests in my life (past, present and future): Thank You!

To all the Christian leaders in my life: Thank You!

St. John the Baptist

Chapter 5, In Short.
1. Even if You had angelic purity and the holiness of John the Baptist, you would not be worthy to receive or to minister this Sacrament.
2. Therefore, You must believe that God Almighty is in this Sacrament.
3. A priest takes Christ’s place to pray to God for himself and for the people: always remembering the Passion of Christ.

Scripture Memory Prayer: “[O]ur citizenship is in Heaven, and from it we also await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 3:20).
Question: Are you praying for your Priests, Pastors, Deacons, and Ministers?
Key Quote: God is the principal Author and invisible Worker, to Whom all that He wills is subject, and all He commands are obedient.

The Text of Chapter 5: On the Dignity Of the Sacrament, and of the Office of the Priest.

The Voice of the Beloved: Even if You had angelic purity and the holiness of holy John the Baptist, you would not be worthy to receive or to minister this Sacrament. For this is not deserved by the merit of men that a man should consecrate and minister the Sacrament of Christ, and take for food the bread of Angels (Ps 78:25). Vast is the mystery, and great is the dignity of the priests, to whom is given what is not granted to Angels. For priests only, rightly ordained in the Church, have the power of consecrating and celebrating the Body of Christ. The priest indeed is the minister of God, using the Word of God by God’s command and institution. Nevertheless, God is the principal Author and invisible Worker, to Whom all that He wills is subject, and all He commands are obedient.

2. Therefore You must believe God Almighty is in this most excellent Sacrament, more than Your own sense

Pope St. John Paul II

or any visible sign at all. Therefore, approach this work with fear and reverence.
Take heed therefore and see what ministry is committed to you by the laying on of the Bishop’s hands (1 Tim 4:16). Behold, you are made a priest and are consecrated to celebrate Holy Mass. See now that you do it before God faithfully and devoutly at due time, and show Yourself blameless. You have not lightened your burden, but are now bound with a strict bond of discipline, and are pledged to a higher degree of holiness.
A priest ought to be adorned with all virtues and to set an example of good life for others (Titus 2:7). His conversation must not be with the popular and common ways of people, but with Angels in Heaven or with perfect Disciples on earth (Phil 3:20).

St. Maximilian Kolbe

3. A priest clad in sacred garments takes Christ’s place so that he may pray to God with all supplication and humility for himself and for the whole people. A priest must always remember the Passion of Christ: Before him he bears the cross on the chasuble, that he may diligently behold the footsteps of Christ and fervently work to follow after them. Behind him he is marked with the cross, that he may mildly suffer for God’s sake no matter what adversities befall him from others. He wears the cross before, that he may bewail his own sins; and behind, that through compassion, he may lament the sins of others, and know that he is placed in the midst, between God and the sinner. He should not grow weary of prayer and the holy Oblation until he deserves to obtain grace and mercy.

Fr. Jaques Hamel

When the priest celebrates Holy Mass,

he honors God,

gives joy to the Angels,

builds up the Church, helps the living,

has communion with the departed,

and makes himself a partaker of all good things.

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