Book Review of You Are That Temple, By Kevin Vost, Psy.D.
A Catholic Guide to Health and Holiness
- Sophia Press, 2022, 309 pages softbound $18.95, $9.99 Kindle.
- Genre: Non-fiction, personal fitness, faith-based.
Synopsis: Dr. Kevin Vost revisits health, fitness, and the teachings of Catholic Christianity (See Kevin’s book, “Fit for Eternal Life) by weaving together tenets of the faith with a thorough examination of fitness trends and how to apply them. Kevin brings his experience as a lifelong power weight lifter and surveys the latest health science regarding common sense eating and proper exercise regimens. Vost makes this review fact-filled yet interesting and highly readable, helping a layman like me understand nutritional and kinesiological terms through practical application. Dr. Vost goes beyond the standard fitness book by adding several “Temple Tender Tales,” Vignette contributions from assorted people Kevin knows to pay attention to their health and fitness. Bias alert: I wrote one of the vignettes at the end of the book.
- Kevin Vost’s dedication to health, fitness, and healthy lifestyle choices comes through in a relatable, transparent manner. Kevin never claims to be a guru but instead uses his knowledge of various trends over the last fifty years to explore where he has done well or succumbed to the latest fads to his detriment. Kevin’s transparency, experience as a power weight lifter (deadlifting over 400 lbs on his 60th birthday!), and knowledge of the scientific literature as a Doctor of Psychology make him eminently qualified to write this book. On tending to the Spirit, Kevin is the author of 24 other books which center the reader on practicing the Catholic Faith – from memorizing Catholicism’s core tenets to thinking like Thomas Aquinas.
- I enjoy reading Kevin’s books, generally. Still, I liked this one because I have read many other books and listened to many other podcasts on health, fitness, and faith: It all squares up with what I’m learning in my podcast lineup, from Dave Asprey to Andrew Huberman to “Word on Fire” and Trent Horn, I live in this space, primarily as I work on keeping my aging body fit, flexible and full of good nutrition.
- You Are That Temple succeeds for me because each Chapter opens with a quote from Scripture, a Saint, the CDC, or another health expert, which summarizes the tone of the coming pages. The well-footnoted factual assertions, contextualized studies, and historical trends laid out in each section set the stage for Dr. Vost’s advice: Come to the table of plenty when that table is loaded with Spiritual Food, but otherwise eat real food and in moderation. Likewise, exercise your virtues and muscles, especially as you age, to keep your Temple as beautiful and robust as a gothic cathedral.
- Practical advice abounds in You Are That Temple. After setting the stage, Dr. Vost suggests workout methods and nutritional regimens and even has some recipes! He does not get bogged down in any area but gives the reader ample information to find fitness fun, fulfilling, and faith-filled. Kevin enjoys his alliterations.
- Unlike many of Kevin’s books, his spiritual advice takes a bit of a back seat to tend the Temple of our bodies. Rightly so. However, Vost, as a Dominican Associate, never hesitates to bring the wisdom of Catholicism to the page through Scripture, Papal writings, and examples from the lives of the saints and apply these to God’s plan for how we should treat our physical temples. I especially enjoyed his Chapter about those with impediments or disabilities and the story of St. Margaret of Castello
- I’m always learning good things from Dr. Kevin Vost. I highly recommend you exercise your eyes and fingers by flipping through this excellent book, ingesting its wisdom, and then implementing its advice.
- Here’s the book on Amazon.