Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Rules 3-4 of The Twelve Rules for (the Interior) Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis.

Rules Three & Four of The Twelve Rules for (the Interior) Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis.

Jordan Peterson & Kermit

Earlier this week, I wrote about the first two rules of Thomas a’Kempis, in a nod to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s “Twelve Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.”

Thomas drives home rules 3 & 4 in a very peaceful and pure manner. Very simply put, he tells us to be peaceful, simple, and pure. Why? Because these help us grow closer to Christ. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Rule 3: Stay peaceful.
Some people are peaceful with themselves and everyone else. But then there are those who have no self-peace nor allow others to have peace. And then there are those who keep themselves at peace, and study to bring others to peace. In this troublesome life all of our peace rests upon humble endurance rather than in avoiding confrontation. Whoever knows how to suffer such troubles shall possess the greater peace: Thomas says that such a disciple is conqueror of himself and the world. He is the friend of Christ and the heir of Heaven.

Peace flows from one person to another. St. Francis says this in his prayer: “Let peace begin with me.” But troubles inevitably bubble up in our lives, and if we expect others to bear with us, we must similarly be patient with them. This brings us peace and that peace flows to them. When we start by excusing the faults of others and accepting blame for our own acts and omissions, we reorient in such a way as to pop the trouble bubble so that all tensions may diminish. Thomas’ recipe for peace is this: we need to maintain peace with God through obedience to Him. And we maintain peace with our neighbors by staying at arms length from their personal affairs.

Key Quote: Therefore be zealous over yourself first and then you may righteously be zealous concerning your neighbor.

Rule 4: Lift yourself up with simplicity and purity.
“Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God,” says our Savior (Mt 5:8). Remain pure by looking for goodness and beauty in all things and staying away from “unhealthy affections.” Instead, seek out the will of God, especially where it can benefit our neighbors. When we seek out this purity of heart, we begin to see things as Christ sees them- as things really are. When we let the scales fall from our eyes, the Creator is revealed in the smallest and “ugliest” of things. However, if we persist in our sin, we only see the nasty, degraded nature of things. A pure heart penetrates both heaven and hell. On our interior journey, we conquer our self and, achieving victory, we often discount the difficulty of the journey itself.

Key Quote: When your heart is right, every creature will act as a mirror of life and a book of holiness (Acts 9:18).

Stay tuned for rules 5 & 6…coming soon!

Twelve Rules for the Interior Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis.

Rule 1: Recognize that the Kingdom of God is within you.
Rule 2: Be Humble.
Rule 3: Stay peaceful.
Rule 4: Lift yourself with simplicity and purity.
Rule 5: Do not trust too much in yourself.
Rule 6: Keep a good conscience to find joy.
Rule 7: Understand what it is to love Jesus.
Rule 8: Find true friendship with Jesus.
Rule 9: Let the grace of God carry you.
Rule 10: Give thanks to God for the smallest of gifts.
Rule 11: Bear the Cross of Christ willingly.
Rule 12: Take up your cross to find the Kingdom of God.



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