Dr. Jordan Peterson
The Twelve Rules for (the Interior) Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis: Rules Five and Six
The first four rules of Thomas a’Kempis are about improving ourselves by looking inward for God’s Kingdom, staying humble, pure and peaceful. The next two rules start to round off our sharp edges, especially how we relate to others. And again, with a tip of the hat to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s “Twelve Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.”
Thomas gives caution in rules 5 & 6 but does not lose sight of what he is building to in the 12 Rules. We need to be mindful of our faults. This is a good way to keep our conscience clear. And besides that, it brings great joy.
Rule 5: Do not trust too much in yourself.
Trusting too much in ourselves results in a lack of objectivity. Focus instead on self-reflection. By ignoring the petty affairs of others and remaining unattached to things we will make greater spiritual progress. We need to avoid the inevitable entanglements in other’s affairs. By this we grow in grace and understanding. Our outward deeds mean little if our efforts to find the Kingdom of God within does not take priority. Our spiritual journey progresses by distancing ourselves from earthly attachments and seeking fulfillment only in Almighty God. Relying on our own efforts is full of misdirection and self-fulfilling prophecy.
Key Quote: We pick out little faults in others and then pass over the great faults in ourselves.
Rule 6: Keeping a good conscience to find joy.
A good conscience brings joy on many levels. One is that you don’t have to remember lies or excuses that you told to cover some slight or omission or outright untruth. In this example, it seems that anxiety is the opposite of joy. (”You are anxious about many things…Sufficient for the day are its own worries.” Matt 6:34). Such joy can be compared with glory but that glory is vain unless it is also driven by a love of the Cross. Heavenly glory is grounded in a good conscience and truth: In striving for a pure conscience, you only need to see God’s love, not the approval of others. Those with a pure conscience find contentment and are filled with peace. A disciple with a good conscience walks humbly with God (Mi 6:8). Begin this humble walk by bringing the Cross of Christ into the journey toward Calvary.
Key Quote: Keep a good conscience and you shall always have joy.
Twelve Rules for the Interior Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis.
Rule 1: Recognize that the Kingdom of God is within you.
Rule 2: Be Humble.
Rule 3: Stay peaceful.
Rule 4: Lift yourself with simplicity and purity.
Rule 5: Do not trust too much in yourself.
Rule 6: Keep a good conscience to find joy.
Rule 7: Understand what it is to love Jesus.
Rule 8: Find true friendship with Jesus.
Rule 9: Let the grace of God carry you.
Rule 10: Give thanks to God for the smallest of gifts.
Rule 11: Bear the Cross of Christ willingly.
Rule 12: Take up your cross to find the Kingdom of God.