Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

The Twelve Rules for (the Interior) Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis: Rules 7 & 8.

The Twelve Rules for (the Interior) Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis:  Rules Seven & Eight.

We are on the second half of Thomas’ rules. Going deeper by the moment by plumbing the depths of love and friendship. And not just any any

Jordan Peterson & Friends

friendship, and not just any love. This love matters. This friendship matters. This is about looking for Jesus.The next two rules start to round off our sharp edges, especially how we relate to others. And again, with a tip of the hat to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s “Twelve Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.”

In Rule 7, Thomas challenges our notion of love – inviting us to use our whole heart, mind, soul and strength. The level of intimate love of Jesus should be like that of a newly married couple. In Rule 8, Thomas challenges our notion of friendship. Stretching beyond our closest bond from conversation to conversion. Remember your best friend from the fifth grade? Now multiply that level of intimate friendship. No secrets, deep conversations, heart renewing conversions.

St Theresa of Avila, by Ariel Agemian

Rule 7: Understand what it is to love Jesus.
“If in all things you seek Jesus, doubtless you will find Jesus.  (Jer 29:14).” Thomas tells us that loving Jesus is being like the bride who forsakes all others for her bridegroom. This love between the two is forever. Staying near Jesus means bonding to Him as God alone, even at the risk of losing our selves in His love – like two drops of wax from a candle.
As a Christian, you are to love Christ with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength. Study Him and His mysteries – His life, sufferings and death. Study His teachings and His designs. Study His Resurrection and redemption of you. Remember that you need faith, hope and charity (love) but the greatest of these is love (1 Cor 13:13). When you make progress toward these three, you will find imitating Him easier.

Key Quote: If in all things you seek Jesus, doubtless you will find Jesus.

Rule 8: Find true friendship with Jesus.
An intimate friendship with Christ provides unmeasurable consolation and richness of spirit. When you are in conversation with God, you are in conversion with God. Remaining in this conversation with Christ will result in discovering the joy of a spirit-filled life. To vary from this path would be ruinous. Life without Christ is mere existence, a poverty. Life without Christ is dry and hard-hearted and you are fully exposed to the schemes and traps of your enemies.
When you experience an intimate friendship, you know that what you say and what feelings you share are understood. How much more, then, when you have a friendship with Jesus? Thomas encourages us to seek this intimate friendship with our Lord in the cyclical nature of life, and to love all other things for His sake. Enable yourself to have the freedom, time and intention to devote to Christ. Watch your friendship with Him grow!

Key Quote: Let all things be loved for Jesus’ sake, but Jesus for His own sake.

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