Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

The Twelve Rules for (the Interior) Life, According to Thomas a’Kempis: Rules Nine & Ten.

We are rolling to through the last half of Thomas’ rules. We like to ride high when we are on God’s shoulders, experiencing His grace. But this comes at a price of forgetting ourselves. But when we do this, we get to see the many gifts He places in our stockings or under our Christmas tree. This love matters. Be intentional about being thankful.  Thanks again, for the idea of the 12 Rules from Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s “Twelve Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.”

Rule 9: Let the grace of God carry you.
When you are carried by the grace of God, you ride at ease. And yet, being freed from our self-love is hard. When you rely on yourself, you slip easily. When God gives you spiritual comfort, you can receive it with thanksgiving and find your footing. The disciple never despairs, but pleads with God for relief through grace. Few people are so holy that they have never felt a withdrawal of this divine favor. But divine consolation is then given to make you stronger in bearing you up through adversity.

Key Quote: You ride at ease when you are carried by the grace of God.

Rule 10: Give thanks to God for the smallest of gifts.
God does not give us any “small” gifts. Every gift matters. Do you notice these little gifts such as a cooling breeze, the design of a leaf, and thank Him for these as well as the more obvious gifts, like a loving family, a home? We must also accept the difficult gifts, and be thankful for these challenges. While others may see some of our gifts as curses, we can see past the world’s take on things.
The smallest of gifts and the greatest sufferings are to be seen as gifts. An overconfident spirit keeps heavenly grace from developing in our lives. Do not desire any spiritual comfort which takes away regret for your sin – or leads to pride. The holiest Saints measured themselves as the least important in their own sight. Be thankful for the smallest gift from God.

Key Quote: For all that is high is not holy, nor is everything that is sweet good, nor is every desire pure.

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