Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Want a Preview of Heaven?

Book 3, Chapter 49: On the Desire for Eternal Life.

Chapter Focus: Heaven. Last year my Mom, Rose, went to Heaven. I think about the bounty of praise she is heaping at the foot of God’s throne. And He’s saying “Right back at you, Rose! You did well, obeying Me in all things; I’m so glad you are here with Me forever.” And then Rose and our Lord will reminisce over Rose’s life – the good and the bad, the rain and the sun, the sorrows, pains, joys and delights. Mom had many of each. But she often did things in the service of others that seemed uncomfortable or bold because “Well, God told me to do this for Him… and for them.” And so she did whatever He asked of her.

Sure, we welcome the blessings – consolations, in Thomas’ words – these get us through the spiritual rough spots. From His goodness, God showers His blessings on us like a spring rain. But God also sends us trials that we don’t like much. Sometimes we even curse the rain, don’t we? Or we don’t see the rain as a blessing. We receive it with disgust instead (Oh, I wanted to go golfing today!). Internally, we see it as rejection instead of encouragement toward holiness, don’t we. I do. And I don’t even golf!

On our journey to Heaven, we probably need an attitude check. In the text below, Thomas gives us a list. I won’t repeat it here. But he advises us to keep Heaven in our sights and faithfully do what we know pleases God, regardless of whether we, ourselves, are pleased by the experience. When we do His will without expectation of reward, acting out of love for Him, we get to see some of what Heaven is like. Sometimes, like Rose, we are reluctant to do the obvious good, because it’s uncomfortable, or risky, or it interferes with our own selfishness. Do it anyway.

God has an eternity to reward us for our service, our love. Bear now the blessed rain of spring, planting under His outstretched Hand so that we may be shown the bounty of the harvest in Heaven. Go ahead, take the risk, get uncomfortable, get Blessed.

Scripture Memory Prayer: “This is what you are to long for – that whether by life or by death God may be always magnified in you.”(Phillipians 1:20).”

Question: What is God asking you to do for Him so that you may receive His reward in Heaven?

Key Quote: In Heaven, the fruit of your obedience shall appear, the labor of your repentance shall cause rejoicing, and humble subjection shall be gloriously crowned.

Chapter 49, In Short.

1. When you feel the desire for eternal life, enlarge your heart and take in holy inspiration.
2. Your desires burn towards heavenly things, even though you are not yet free from earthly affection.
3. Seek what is acceptable and honorable to Christ, not what is pleasant and advantageous to yourself.
4. You must still be tried upon earth, and be exercised in many things.
5. Our nature is sometimes filled with sadness, and it is significant if you bear it silently.
6. You shall have your will in Heaven: you will truly find what you long for, all that you can long for.
7. In this present life, bow humbly under the hands of all so that God may be always magnified in you.

The Text of Chapter 49: On the Desire for Eternal Life.

Of the desire after eternal life, and how great blessings are promised to those who strive.

The Voice of Christ:
“My Child, when you feel the desire of eternal happiness to be poured into you from above, and long to depart from the tabernacle of this body, that you may contemplate My glory without any shadow of turning, enlarge your heart, and take in this holy inspiration with all your desires (Jas 1:17).

“Give thanks heartily to the Divine Goodness, Who deals with you so graciously, visits you so lovingly, stirs you up so fervently, and raises you up so powerfully, so that you do not sink down through your own weight to the things of the earth.

“For it is not by your own meditating or striving that you receive this gift, but by the sole gracious condescension of Supreme Grace and Divine regard: to the end that you may make progress in virtue and humility, and prepare yourself for future conflicts, and cleave to Me with all the affection of your heart, and strive to serve Me with fervent will.

2. “My Child, often the fire burns, but the flame does not ascend without smoke. So too the desires of some burn towards heavenly things, and yet are not free from the temptation of earthly affection. Therefore they are not acting with an altogether simple desire for God’s glory when they pray to Him so earnestly. Such, too, is oftentimes your desire, when you have imagined it to be so strong. For that which is not pure and perfect is infected with your own self-seeking.

3. “Seek what is acceptable and honorable to Me, not what is pleasant and advantageous to yourself. For if you judge rightly, you must choose and follow after My appointment rather than after your own desires. Yes, and prefer it more than anything that you desire. I know your desire, and I have heard your many groanings (Ps 38:10). Already you long to be in the glorious liberty of the children of God (Rm 5:2). Already the eternal home delights you, and the heavenly country full of joy, but the hour has not yet come. For this is yet another time, a time of war, a time of labor and trial. You desire to be filled with the Chief Good, but you cannot attain it now. I AM that Good. Wait for Me, says the Lord- until the Kingdom of God comes (Zeph 3:8).

4. “You must still be tried upon earth, and be exercised in many things. Consolation shall sometimes be given to you, but you shall not be granted full satisfaction. Be strong therefore, and be brave both in working and in suffering those things which are against your nature (Josh 1:6). You must put on the new man, and be changed into another man (Eph 4:24). You must often do what you would not want to do and you must leave undone what you would do. What pleases others will have good success, what pleases you will have no effect. What others say will be listened to; what you say will be ignored. Others will ask and receive, but you will ask and not receive. Others will be great in the eyes of all, but about you nothing shall be spoken. To others this or that will be entrusted, but you shall be judged useful for nothing.

5. “For this cause nature sometimes will be filled with sadness; and it is a great thing if you bear it with silence. In this and many like things the faithful servant of the Lord is likely to be tried on how far you can deny yourself and bring yourself into subjection. There is scarcely anything in which you have need to mortify yourself so much as in seeing things which are contrary to your will. This is especially true when things are commanded of you which you consider inconvenient, slow or of little importance. And because, being under authority, you dare not resist the higher power, therefore it seems hard for you to shape your course of action according to the nod of another, and to give up your own opinion.

6. “But consider, My Child, the fruit of these labors, their swift end, and the abundant and great reward. You shall not find it painful to bear them then, but rather be strongly comforted in your suffering (Heb 6:18).

“For even in exchange for this trifling desire which you have readily forsaken, you shall always have your will in Heaven.

“In Heaven, you will truly find all that you might long for, all that you can long for.
In Heaven, you shall have everything good within your power without the fear of losing it.
In Heaven, your will, ever at one with Mine, shall desire nothing outward, nothing for itself.
In Heaven, no one can withstand you, none can complain of you, none can hinder you: nothing shall stand in your way.
In Heaven, all things you want will be present together, and will refresh your whole affection, and fill it up even to the brim (Lk 6:38).
In Heaven, I will celebrate with glory the scorn suffered here in this life, and receive the garment of praise for sorrow, and move from the lowest place to a throne in the Kingdom, for ever.
In Heaven, the fruit of your obedience shall appear, the labor of your repentance shall cause rejoicing, and humble subjection shall be gloriously crowned.

7. “Now therefore, in this present life, bow yourself humbly under the hands of all. Do not let it trouble you who said this or who ordered that. But listen carefully to those who require anything from you, or even manifest a wish from you, regardless of whether it is your superior, your inferior, or your equal. Take it all in good part, and with good will study to fulfill their commands. Let one seek this, another that. Let this one glory in this, and that one in that. Let them and be praised a thousand thousand times, but rejoice only in the humbling of yourself, and in My own good pleasure and glory. This is what you are to long for – that whether by life or by death God may be always magnified in you (Phil 1:20).”

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