Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

What Does the Truth Say?

Book 3, Chapter 2: What the Truth Says Inwardly Without Noise of Words.

How do I respond when God calls me?

Chapter Focus: God speaks to the disciple by His Holy Spirit. The words of the prophets may be beautiful and righteous, but without God’s breath, these are mere words. It is important to look for God’s word in exterior things, such as scripture and good teaching, but God will use the motions of His grace moving in our life to prompt us to listen for His truth within our mind, heart, and soul. And, like Samuel, sometimes we should go to others to advise us on how God is speaking to us.

Chapter 2, In Short.

1. Lord, speak to me, I am listening.
2. Prophets can utter words but only You enkindle the Spirit in those words.
3. Please, only You, O Lord my God, speak to me – or else I will die and bring forth no fruit.

Scripture Memory Prayer: “Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening.”(1 Sam 3:9)
Key Quote: I am Your servant.
Question: Are you listening for God’s voice?

The Text of Chapter 2: What the Truth Says Inwardly Without Noise of Words.

Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening (1 Sam 3:9). I am Your servant. O give me understanding that I may know Your testimony. Incline my heart to the words of Your Mouth (Ps 119:125). Let Your speech distill as the dew. In the days of old, the children of Israel spoke to Moses. Speak to us and we will hear, but do not let the Lord speak to us or we will die (Ex 20:19). Not thus, O Lord, not thus do I pray, but rather with Samuel the prophet, I plead with You humbly and earnestly, Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening. Let not Moses speak to me, nor any prophet, but rather only You should speak, O Lord, who inspired and illuminated all the prophets. For You alone can perfectly fill me with knowledge, while without You, these prophets will avail me nothing.

2. Your prophets can indeed utter words, but they do not give Your Spirit. They speak with great beauty, but when You are silent they do not enkindle the heart. They give us scriptures, but You make known the sense of those scriptures. They bring us mysteries, but You reveal the things which are significant. They utter commandments, but You help in the fulfilling of them. They show the way, but You give me strength for the journey. They act only outwardly, but You instruct and enlighten my heart. They water, but You give the increase. They cry with words, but You give understanding to the hearer.

3. Therefore do not let not Moses speak to me, but only You, O Lord my God, Eternal Truth. Otherwise, I will die and bring forth no fruit, being outwardly admonished, but not inflamed within. Lest the word is only heard but not followed, known but not loved, believed but not obeyed, rise up against me in the judgment. Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening. You have the words of eternal life (Jn 6:68). Speak to me for some consolation to my soul, for the amendment of my whole life, and for the praise and glory and eternal honor of Your Name.

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