Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Who do you turn to when others call you names? Book III, Ch 46

Book 3, Chapter 46: Having Confidence in God When Evil Words are Cast at Us.

Chapter Focus: Words have power. We communicate with words, whether written or verbal. Thomas concentrates on the effect evil words (in the context, read this as spoken words) can have on us, and how we, as disciples of Jesus Christ, should respond. In a word, DON’T!
Thomas points out through the counsel of Christ that our best defense is to stand fast and believe in Him – let the words fly by us, or accept the calumny for God’s sake: Offer it up! This reminds me of all the nice things people say to me when I’m praying on the sidewalk in front of the local abortion facility. Most people drive by honking their horns in support of our stand for life, but there are others who show us their IQ or shout expletives at us. We smile and wave. To be bothered by their outrage is to show our worldliness. That stranger flipping me off is testimony that praying for life is effective. My own vanity leads me to want to please everyone and have everyone like me. So I don’t try to defend myself. Drop it. The only judgment that matters is the Lord’s. Now, that said, I will happily stand in front of another prayer sentinel and receive the vitriol of an upset pro-abortion protester.* Our “job” trust in Christ and be free from fear.
This chapter ends in a prayer calling the disciple to give up trying to justify himself and instead rely upon God’s mercy.
Good advice 600 years ago. Stand firm and believe in Christ! Good advice today.

Chapter 46, In Short.

1. Stand firm and believe in Christ.
2. The world is still alive in you, especially the vain love of pleasing others.
3. Whoever trusts in Christ is free from the fear of others.
4. The testimony of others often deceives you, but God’s judgment is true.
5. Prayer: O Lord, be my strength and confidence, for my own conscience is not sufficient.

Scripture: “No harm befalls the just, but the wicked are overwhelmed with misfortune. Proverbs 12:21

Question: If all things could be said against you with great malice, how could it hurt you if you were to let it go? Could it pluck out a single hair from your head?

Key Quote: Whoever trusts in Jesus, and does not seek to act upon by their own judgment, shall be free from the fear of others.

The Text of Chapter 46: Having Confidence in God When Evil Words are Cast at Us.

Christ: “My Child, stand fast and believe in Me. For what are words but words? They fly through the air, but they bruise no stone. If you are guilty, think how you would gladly amend yourself. If you know of nothing against you, consider that you will gladly bear this evil for God’s sake. It is little enough that you sometimes have to bear harsh words, for you are not yet able to bear hard blows. And why do such trivial matters weigh on your heart, except that you are still carnal, and regard others more than you ought? For because you fear to be despised, you are unwilling to be reproved for your faults, and you seek paltry shelters of excuses.

2. “But look better into yourself, and you shall know that the world is still alive in you, along with the vain love of pleasing others. For when you fly away from being degraded and confounded for your faults, it is plain that you are neither truly humble nor truly dead to the world, and that the world is not crucified to you. But listen to My word, and you shall not care for ten thousand words of others.

“Behold, if all things could be said against you which the utmost malice could invent, what should it hurt you if you were altogether to let it go, and make no more account of it than of a mote? Could it pluck out a single hair from your head?

3. “But whoever has no heart within, and does not have God before their eyes, is easily moved by a word of reproach. But whoever trusts in Me, and does not seek to act upon their own judgment, shall be free from the fear of others. For I am the Judge and the Discerner of all secrets. I know how these things have been done. I know both the injurer and the bearer. From Me this word went forth: by My permission it happened, that out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed (Luk 2:35). I shall judge the guilty and the innocent, but beforehand I have willed to try them both by a secret judgment.

4. “The testimony of others often deceives. My judgment is true. It will stand, and it shall not be overturned. It commonly lies hidden and only made known to a few in certain cases, yet it never errs, nor can err, although it may not seem right to the eyes of the foolish. To Me, therefore, you must have recourse in all judgment, and you must not lean to their opinion. For the just will not be troubled, whatever may be sent to them by God (Prov 12:21). Even though some unjust charge may be brought against him, he will not care; neither will the disciple vainly exult above measure, if by others he is clearly vindicated. For he considers that I am He Who searches the hearts and reins, Who judges not outwardly and according to human appearance; for often in My eyes that which is found blameworthy in the judgment of men is held worthy of praise. (Ps 7:9)”

5. The Disciple: O Lord God, O just Judge, strong and patient, Who knows the frailty and sinfulness of all, be my strength and my whole confidence, for my own conscience is not sufficient. You know what I do not know, and therefore I ought to humble myself under all rebuke and to bear it meekly. Therefore mercifully forgive me as often as I have not done this, and grant me the next time the grace of greater endurance.

For better to me is Your abundant mercy for obtaining Your pardon, than the righteousness which I believe myself to have for defense against my conscience, which lies in wait against me. Although I know nothing against myself, yet I am not hereby justified ( 1 Cor 4:4), because if Your mercy were removed, in Your sight no one living could be justified (Ps 143:2).

*Of course, I’d much rather have a conversation than a confrontation.

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