Timothy Ed Moore

Imitating Christ In Daily Life

Waiting for Salvation? It’s Here. Second Sunday of Advent -“I came down from heaven for your salvation.”

Chapter 18: Temporal Miseries are to be Borne Patiently After the Example of Christ
Chapter Focus:
Our Lord opens this chapter boldly:

“I came down from heaven for your salvation.”

Why did He come? Because he loves us.

If Jesus had not come and had not taught us, would anyone follow our example? Our sinful example? If Jesus had not come and had not taught us, would humankind have simply continued to slide into chaos and brutality? And yet, even with His coming, and His example; His signs, wonders, and holy words,  we still remain lukewarm.

Yes, He does know of our sufferings and challenges. He doesn’t dismiss our pains. Rather, He asks us to unite our suffering with His (Col 1:24). And aren’t we still better off because of His coming? Wouldn’t we have those sufferings if He hadn’t come?

We may experience glimpses and winks of heaven on earth. But in the real Heaven Christ is waiting for us, just as we wait for Him during the Advent Season. Christ opened the Gates of Heaven. We don’t have to wait, like the Patriarchs of old, because our salvation is at hand.

Scripture Memory Prayer: “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church….”

Colossians 1:24.

Question: What would become of us if we did not have such a light as Christ to follow?

Key Quote: For Your way is our way, and by holy patience, we walk to You Who are our Crown.

Chapter 18, In Short.

1. Christ was drawn from Heaven by love so that we might learn to bear with temporal sufferings without complaining.
2. Although this life seems burdensome, it is nevertheless full of merit because of God’s grace.
3. Your way is our way, and by holy patience, we walk to You who are our Crown.

Chapter 18: That Temporal Miseries are to be Borne Patiently After the Example of Christ

“My Child! I came down from heaven for your salvation. I took upon Me your miseries, not because of necessity, but because I was drawn by love so that you might learn patience and bear such temporal sufferings without complaining.

From the hour of My birth, until the hour of My death upon the Cross, I never ceased from bearing sorrow. I lacked many worldly things. I often heard many reproaches against Me. I gently bore contradictions and harsh words. I received ingratitude for the benefits I bestowed, blasphemies for performing miracles, and rebukes for My teachings.”

Disciple: 2. Lord, because You were patient in Your life, fulfilling the commandment of Your Father most of all, it is good that I, a miserable sinner, should patiently bear myself according to Your will. As long as You will allow it, I will patiently bear up under such suffering for my salvation. This is a known burden of this corruptible life.

For although this present life seems burdensome, it is nevertheless made full of merit already because of Your grace. And to those who are weak, this life becomes easier and brighter through Your example and in following the footsteps of Your saints. But today this life is also much more full

St. Mother Theresa’s Feet

of consolation than it was in ancient days, under the Old Testament, when the gate of heaven remained shut. Then, even the way to heaven seemed more obscure. Back then, so few cared to seek after the heavenly kingdom. But before Your Passion and the ransom of Your holy Death, not even the just were able to enter the kingdom of heaven.

3. Oh Lord, I am compelled to give You great thanks. You, who have promised to show me and all faithful people the good and right way to Your eternal kingdom. For Your way is our way, and by holy patience, we walk to You Who are our Crown.

If You had not gone before us and taught us, who would care to follow us? Oh, how far would they have gone backward if they had not beheld Your glorious example! Behold we are still lukewarm, though we have heard of Your many signs and discourses. What would become of us if we did not have such a light to help us follow You?

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